Drill of Physics UN Paket C 2011

Written By Juhernaidi on Sabtu, 14 April 2012 | 1:01:00 AM

If you are familiar with the universal phenomenon "The Secret" then you are already aware of the power of The Law of Attraction. A famous quote by Buddha states that "What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, And our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind" Basically put, your thoughts create your reality. Wherever you are in life today is the direct result of your past thoughts and beliefs. If your current life situation is not a desirable one then you may think "I did not create being in debt, or unhappy or alone". Saying that you have created your present circumstances is not a case of blame or fault, it is a reality that is very difficult to grasp until you have mastered the power of your thoughts and The Law of Attraction.

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To appreciate the enormity of the power of your thoughts it is important and necessary to understand a little bit about your conscious and subconscious minds and quantum physics. I will only go into these subjects briefly to enable you to understand their role in The Law of Attraction, however if you would like to go more in depth in these subjects please visit our site.
Conscious & Subconscious Minds
The conscious mind thinks in abstract thoughts and is the home of your short term memory. It has limited focus and is responsible for setting your goals and for judging the results of your achievements. It is the part of your mind that is responsible for logic and reasoning such as working our maths questions. When you take any voluntary action such as moving your arm or toes, it is done by your conscious mind. The subconscious mind is literally aware of everything else within your reality and is responsible for dealing with your emotions. It can deal with billions of pieces of information at any one time. If your conscious mind thinks something is true, your subconscious mind accepts it as fact. It processes information simultaneously and has the ability to multi-task. It is responsible for the involuntary processes of the body, such as breathing, your heart beating and the blood flowing around your body. Basically, what your conscious mind thinks, feels, believes and sees is sent to your subconscious mind as truth. Your subconscious mind is one with the universe and the unlimited source of energy that is in everything. It uses the beliefs and thoughts sent to it by your conscious mind to work with the universe and to turn these thoughts into reality. It creates the environments and situations needed to form a physical manifestation of what you believe. So quite basically put, your conscious mind has daily thoughts and perceptions which are passed to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind then sets about bringing these into your reality. Your thoughts quite literally create your reality.

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