Senior High School Biology

Written By Juhernaidi on Selasa, 02 November 2010 | 7:18:00 PM

Senior High School BiologyNo matter what, thought is power and when it is used correctly, amazing things are done. Sure, this is an article about the brain and the workings of the brain in relation to the mind. Also, beyond that I am dealing with the basic use of that powerful basic gold mine between your ears to achieve wealth, health and happiness. So, to start out in an “extreme” way. Without mental pictures of our goals we are dying, because we deprive ourselves of our strongest stimulation. Have you ever noticed that without pictures, there is at a very basic level a lackluster feeling than when we see our goals before us, even in a picture form.
Even writing down goals in a strong, projected way makes them more powerful to us. Good habits are genuinely ingrained and made permanent through consistently strong mental pictures. Bad habits are simply the result of weak thoughts, laziness, and not being vigilant. Productive vigilance is strength, and is more important in some ways than knowledge. So power comes through thinking, action and productive mental pictures, that is a given as shown in the first two paragraphs of this article. But, what must also be considered is the unlimited possibilities that comes through this type of intense effort, in fact smart effort equals amazing rewards. Sure, hard effort counts for something, but it must be combined with smart effort to gain the ultimate rewards. Hard effort alone is like a boat without a captain or a crew and with the engine on and just let go out into the water at full speed, no direction, no crew and all power. From that type of effort, hard, but with no thinking, you will not get much or even nothing at all. Within those last few sentences of this paragraph, the secret of the most powerful gold mine in life and existence is fully revealed in a paradoxical way, but make no mistake, it is revealed. Full power comes through consciously working use. Strength is, as strength thinks, does and genuinely generates. Those who believe solely in hard work can cry foul at certain things in this paragraph, but brute strength without thinking does not achieve much, and the opposite of it, the ultimate weakness. For only obviously now, the opposite of the aforementioned, thinking without strength and direction are just as weak, because action does not back up the thinking. But both combined create strength and genuine power, prosperity and a love of life and existence.

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So, integrated action is its own end, and integrated action is thought and action combined productively. This is where the article integrates or comes together. This is power, this is strength, this is where “the rubber meets the road.” Once integrated, things happen in every genuine way. This is where the gold mine is, in the integration. The decision to integrate is the key to digging the gold out of your gold mine between your ears. A good, strongly thought out and honest decision is the most powerful and smart thing you can make for yourself in existence and life. The only thing that is ridiculous is when you leave your life to someone else to make decisions about. If you give away your decision and power, you give away everything. That is as real and honest for me as it is for anyone. Keeping and using power productively is not dishonest or selfish, it is the most moral thing you can do in life and existence. You must deliver yourself through following through with your productive intentions fully carried out. Realistically, you must be honestly decisive in order to genuinely achieve anything worthwhile. So, create your own opportunities and not just look for them, and destiny will shine upon you fully.

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